Thursday, November 12, 2009

My understanding of Citizen journalism

Citizen journalism is any person outside of the general media commenting or reporting about current events in a public forum, whether it be through a blog, video uploads, forum threads, tweets(via etc. Citizen journalism is evidently most common on the internet.

The most prominent example in my mind is the Phuket, Thailand Tsunami of 2004. Where local residents and some tourists recorded the devastation of the sudden event as it happened . This method of reporting involves raw first person accounts it is not processed by news programs and gives the viewer a "real" insight to the story, unlike the past tense, third person views that reporter might present

Through my brief research of the topic, I've found that there are other Landmark Moments in Citizen Journalism. It has become a revolutionary way in which the news reaches its listeners. Citizens of war torn countries such as Iraq have begun reporting upon issues and events which have been ignored by the general media, one example being Healing Iraq a blog containing "Daily news and comments on the situation in post Saddam Iraq by an Iraqi dentist."

Citizen Journalism is breaking down barriers in news reception, taking the voice of the "little guy" and giving it a pedestal on which to get their opinions and experiences to a wider audience.


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